Breaking Negative Patterns, Psychological Safety, And Becoming A Present Father | Larry Hagner
Larry Hagner, host and founder of the Dad Edge podcast with over 30 million downloads in the last 5 years, join Wade Joye and shares his personal experience of growing up without a father figure and how his life was transformed in his lowest moment as a Dad. Wade and Larry discuss how that moment became the turning point that led him to become a healthier and more present father whose mission is to empower other men to lead their own families well. He emphasizes how his relationship with Jesus changed him as a dad, the significance of apologizing to your family and asking for forgiveness, creating an environment of psychological safety for open communication with his children, and how he is teaching them to learn from their mistakes. He also discusses his new book, “The Spirit of Fatherhood,” which explores the intersection of faith and fatherhood.
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Get your copy of Larry’s new book, “The Spirit of Fatherhood”:
Get your copy of Wade’s book, “This Dream Is Not For You” :
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