I help you build a private life that empowers your public platform.

And creating healthy rhythms is the key to it all. 

Start a new rhythm today →

I help people deepen their impact through the superpower of consistency.

Leaders need a private life that empowers their public platform, Christians want to make a difference with their gifts, and churches know they need a healthy culture to grow. 

And creating healthy rhythms is the key to it all. 

All it takes is 90 days →

How's your soul really doing?

Download my free guide "7 Rhythms to Renew the Health of your Soul" today!

Order my new book!

From a young age, we’re taught to dream big, work hard, and find true happiness by focusing only on our dreams, and yet still, something is missing.

Because if the last few years of my life have taught me anything, it’s this - there is true peace and fulfillment only on the other side of releasing your grip on your dreams and trusting God with your whole life. 

I want to help us find freedom together by being open to the dreams God has for our lives, but more importantly, the dream of His kingdom that He is inviting all of us to join. 

Order my copy!

Listen to "Dreamers and Disciples" today!

Join Wade every week on the “Dreamers and Disciples” Podcast where you’ll explore how to trust God with the dreams in your heart through regular rhythms of abiding in Christ. Tune in on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and YouTube!

Listen today!

Access "The Joyful Leader" on Substack! 

For leaders in the church who want to build a private life that empowers your public platform. The Joyful Leader will help tackle questions about church culture, team dynamics, hard conversations, theology + leadership, creating healthy rhythms, and more.

Join my Substack

I believe your private and public life are the same. And the way you live each one affects the other.

In the 20 years I spent in pastoral leadership, I learned quickly that how I was as a husband, father, and leader were all deeply connected. 

Now, as I coach and mentor people every day, write sermons and speak around the country, I'm certain that the mission I'm on is more important than ever - helping leaders reignite their joy, passion, and purpose in their personal and public lives. 

Read my story →